28. Leases

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(a) Finance leases

LLC “PhosAgro-Trans”, a Group subsidiary, has entered into several agreements to lease 2,150 railway wagons. At the end of the lease term, the ownership for the leased assets will be transferred to the lessee.

RUB Million 2012
Minimum lease
Interest Principal
Less than one year 833 227 606
Between one and five years 2,041 450 1,591
More than five years 358 27 331
3,232 704 2,528
RUB Million 2011
Minimum lease
Interest Principal
Less than one year 594 189 405
Between one and five years 1,842 401 1,441
More than five years 330 18 312
2,766 608 2,158

(b) Operating leases

During 2011-2012, LLC “PhosAgro-Trans”, a group subsidiary, entered into several operating lease agreements to rent railway wagons. The rent payments for 2012, which are recorded in the cost of sales, amounted to RUB 873 million (2011: RUB 729 million).

The non-cancellable operating lease rentals are payable as follows:

31 December 2012
RUB million
31 December 2011
RUB million
Less than one year 482 345
Between one and five years 152
482 497